$10 Million Goal For ICWI Pink Run

During the official launch held Tuesday, September 12, 2023, at Toyota  Jamaica’s head office in Kingston, The Insurance Company of the West Indies (ICWI) and the  Jamaica Reach to Recovery (JR2R) announced its $10 million goal for the annual charity 5K  race, Pink Run. The Run, which is scheduled for Sunday, October 29, 2023, has been a calendar  event for the past 15 years, with all proceeds going to the JR2R- the breast cancer arm of the  Jamaica Cancer Society.  

In her remarks, Samantha Samuda, Vice President, of Marketing, Distributions & HR at ICWI, expressed her confidence that the initiative will receive the needed support to help the JR2R  reach their goal. “We have set an ambitious goal this year based on the increasing demands of  the JR2R. Each year, the organisation is called upon by more and more persons affected by  breast cancer for support and financing to provide the life-saving treatment they need. It is this  growing need that has resulted in us increasing our support and led to our national appeal to  Jamaicans and corporate Jamaica to partner with us in this initiative to raise $10 million toward  the fight against breast cancer. Over the years, as we work together to raise awareness and  our fundraising ability, I have seen the collective will to support the fight against breast cancer.  I am confident that this year will be a record-breaking year for the ICWI Pink Run.”  

(From left) Sandra Samuels, president of Jamaica Reach to Recovery (JR2R); Dr. Terri-Karrelle Reid, media personality, author, and community builder; and Stacey Hines, CEO Epic Transformations, pause for a snap during the launch of the 21st staging of the ICWI/JR2R Pink Run, carded for Sunday, October 29, 2023, at Hope Gardens. The Pink Run raises funds to assist breast cancer survivors with the life-saving tests and treatments they need for recovery.

To solidify their commitment ICWI handed over a cheque valued at Two Million Dollars  ($2,000,000) to the JR2R. Sandra Samuels, President of the JR2R, who accepted the cheque,  expressed her appreciation for the support and love that has been shown by the title sponsor,  ICWI, as well as all the sponsors who continue to give wholeheartedly each year. “We are  grateful for the love and support that Jamaicans and corporate Jamaica have continued to show  to breast cancer survivors. The support from donors, sponsors, and participants has benefited  so many men and women who would otherwise not have been able to afford the life-saving  treatment and care they need to beat breast cancer. I am encouraging more corporate entities  and Jamaicans, here and abroad, to join in the cause by donating, sponsoring, or registering to  participate this year. Your support will save lives,” Samuels said. 

Stacey Hines, breast cancer survivor and CEO Epic Transformations, is animated during her presentation at the official launch of the ICWI/Jamaica Reach to Recovery Pink Run, which was held on Tuesday, September 12th, at the Toyota Jamaica showroom on Old Hope Road in Kingston. The ICWI Pink Run is slated for Sunday, October 29, 2023, at the Hope Botanical Gardens to raise funds to support the work of the Jamaica Reach to Recovery, which is the breast cancer support arm of the Jamaica Cancer Society.

The initiative, which raked in $9 million at its last staging, saw over six thousand participants  don their tutus and tall socks to support the cause. The Pink Run returns with its ‘Family Fun 

Run: Colour Edition’ theme and promises a bigger and better experience. Samuels noted that  “Even though the location remains at Hope Gardens, the route and the village location has been  changed to accommodate the growing number of participants.” She assured that the experience  would be bigger and better than last years’ experience. ‘Last year, we were caught off guard by  the overwhelming support by participants in the final days before registration closed, and we  were a bit unprepared for the large crowd. As such, this year, we are putting in all the necessary  plans to ensure that all our runners and walkers will have more fun, more parking, and the  amazing family feel the Pink Run brings.” 

The highly anticipated 5K run/walk occurs each year in October. Globally, October is recognized  as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and corporate Jamaica has consistently paid homage to  survivors through various initiatives each year. ICWI has partnered with the JR2R on this  initiative for the past eight years and has stamped its commitment to support the work of the  JR2R in whatever way it can.  

Registration is now open, and individuals, schools, and companies can register through the Pink  Run website at www.pinkrunjm.com or in-person at the Pink Run Secretariat, which is now  located at Toyota Jamaica, 93 Old Hope Road, Kingston 6. For further information, persons may  contact the Pink Run organisers via email at [email protected] or  j[email protected] or by phone at 876-327-9665 or 876-445-9407 

Photo – ICWI


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