A Jamaican Day in 2062: Day 1

August 1, 2062

Today is Emancipation Day in this our Jamaica Centenary Jubilee.  Jamaica 100 Celebrations has both Jamaica the Rock, and Jamaica SecondLife in a frenzy.   Over 10 million people are slated to be participating in a massive homecoming events online for Jamaicans around the world, as well as the 500 on the Moon and Mars Mining Colonies.   At 100 years old I am happy to be alive to see this for myself.  My cataract surgery at 90, and my anti-aging regimen devised by Jamaica BioLife Ventures keep me looking and feeling as I did at 80.  It is really a miracle.

Emancipation Day Re-Enactments which began in 2030 are now completely done by robots which has diminished some of the excitement for me, but can’t miss the around the island swim being done by the gold medal winning Jamaica swim team, in the 2060  World Sea Swim Championships.   With Jamaica playing in the World Cup Soccer Quarter-Finals being played in Nigeria, the newly-refurbished National Stadium will play host to a holographic viewing of the game, later — and those who can’t make it to the stadium can download it on their HoloApps for personal viewing if they can afford the $VDollars.  $VDollars which we have had to use to purchase Virtual Goods and Services are not be confused with $CDollars which is used for Caribbean transactions.

Jamaica’s investment in nano-biotech early in the 2020s has really paid off.  Athletes today are kept at their fittest with the DNA-personalized regimens that were devised by Jamaica’s Nobel Prize winning Science of Sports Team at UTECH.   Jamaica won the first ever Nobel Prize for Sports Science in 2045, which I say, it was only fitting given Jamaica’s dominance in the 2044 Olympics with a whopping 50 Medals in Track and Field , Swimming, Basket Ball, Soccer and Beach Volley Ball.   As well as the fact that over 300 athletes from other countries that used our regimen also medaled or reached their personal best in that Olympics.

After the Show, I am going to take a hover-taxi (people hardly drive their own cars anymore in Kingston thank God!) over to the Jubilee Village for a Real Old Time Ginger Beer. I long for a taste of Real food. The ReConstituted Rations are good enough, if you have not lived long enough to remember RealFood.  Thank God Jamaica had the foresight to establish a food security plan in the 2020s and the Jamaica Agricultural Service worked with farmers and households around the island to establish  DNA food culture and tissue banks, so  that when terrorists unleashed their grain virus which cause world famine in 2035-2040, we were able to recover and help other Caribbean countries as well.  We lickle but we tallawah fe true!



What if Jamaica were to invest in BioTech industry Development?  Beginning with Revamped Science Education and Literacy from Basic School?  What if Terrorists unleashed a Virus that killed Corn and Rice and created a Global Famine? What If the Jamaica  Ministry of Information partnered with Northern Caribbean University IT Center to establish a Virtual Jamaica SecondLife with aim to register the Jamaica Diaspora?