A Message to Women – White or Not – Who Plan to Vote for McCain

The eyes of the world are on America today as the Democratic party’s rules committee tries to sort out the conundrum presented by outlawed primaries in Michigan and Florida. Unless you have just awakened from a coma, you know the story:

– The party ruled that states would lose their delegates to the national convention if they changed their primary dates without permission.

– Michigan and Florida broke the rule and lost their delegates.

– But Hillary Clinton needs those primary votes to support her claim that she “is winning the popular vote” so she is challenging the rule.

People who are much better at math than I am insist the committee’s decision won’t alter the outcome of the nomination race – Barack Obama has that sewn up. But for undetermined reasons the Clinton campaign is expected to continue the fight against Obama’s nomination, even if it means taking it to the party’s convention in August.

Clinton’s vitriolic struggle has left millions of American women – “white women” – so angry with Obama that they are reportedly planning to vote for John McCain in the general elections. A recent poll showed that only 43 percent of white women approve of Obama, a decline of 13 percent in the past few weeks.

Ladies, white and otherwise, I have a cautionary message for you. Before you vote for McCain, take a look at his record on “women’s issues.”

In a recent report, the Planned Parenthood Foundation noted that for the past 25 years, McCain has consistently voted against women’s health. (He reportedly opposed breast cancer programs!)

“From opposing funding for family planning programs to voting against requiring insurance coverage of birth control, McCain has taken extreme positions,” the foundation declared. “He has voted against women’s health and has not supported legislation that would help reduce the rate of unintended pregnancies and the need for abortion.”

The foundation warns that McCain wants to overturn Roe v. Wade, “potentially putting the lives and health of women in jeopardy.”

Now that you know where the little white-haired senator from Arizona stands on issues that affect your health and welfare, ladies, you might want to reconsider any thought you had of voting for him.