“If your mind isn’t clouded by unnecessary things, then this is the best season of your life.” – Wu-Men
It Monday morning and you hate it!
It is not even 12 pm yet, and secretly you are already wishing it was the weekend.
There are so many thoughts running through your mind. Decisions needs to be made and it is Monday!
Statistic shows that most people tend to get depressed on Monday’s. People hate their jobs, hate their bosses, and hate being stuck in rush hour traffic on Mondays!
What stress and anxiety!
Breathe slowly.
Breathe slowly and relax.
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, and there shouldn’t be any reason for us not to be enjoying every single moment of our life.
Any suggestions Kymarie?
Glad you asked my friend!
Express Gratitude
- Find at least 10 things around you to be grateful for. Today I am happy and grateful for the roof over my head. I am happy and grateful for the friends I had an opportunity to spend time with over the weekend who I haven’t seen for years.
- We have a tendency to worry about things we have no control over. Take a moment to ask yourself what is the worse that could happen? Write a to-do-list and work on completing the most challenging things first. Stop worrying, everything will work out fine.
- Your thoughts produce your feelings, and your feelings affect your emotions. Take notice of your self talk. The thoughts you hold in your mind about Mondays, will typically manifest itself in order to reinforce your belief. Whatsoever things are lovely, pure and of good report, think on these things.
- The same feeling you have towards Monday’s, someone else is feeling the same way. Pick up the phone and make a call or treat a friend to Starbucks coffee.
- I have a ton of things to get done today. Pictures to edit and a host of other deadlines that needs to be met, but the only time I have is now. Allow yourself to be totally present to the task at hand. Block out all the distractions and focus. Breathe and relax.