Advent Fellowship 40th Anniversary Celebrations
Academic Forum under the Theme Earth’s Final Events
October 1, 2009, at 4:30p.m.
The Undercroft, Senate Building,
University of the West Indies, Mona Campus
WHO: All Media Houses/Entities, Entertainment Editors, Entertainment Reporters
WHAT: Advent Fellowship – Academic Forum
WHEN: October 1, 2009
WHERE: The Undercroft, UWI, Mona
TIME: 4:30p.m.
Advent Fellowship, the Seventh-day student Fraternity at the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus and the University of Technology; and recipient of the UWI, Mona Award for the Most Vibrant Society 2000-2009 will host an interactive, engaging and eye-opening discussion about How the world will end.
The Forum will feature academics from the both Universities as varying perspectives are tabled about current world events being unfolded and how they foretell whether the world will end and how will this be.
The Forum is a part of the Fellowship’s Celebration of 40th years of service on the UWI and UTECH campuses. The Fellowship will later this year hand over renovated bathroom facilities to the students at the Nurses residence of the University Hospital of the West Indies as a part of its Outreach efforts.