me nuh know bout you but May was a rollercoaster ride fimme
me feel like me live a whole-a year inna di past 31 days
however…june de yah and may is behind us and….we survived
RIP to the people we lost
welcome to the new souls who jus land yah
and keep troddin to everybody still in the fight
what follows is a musical (ish) hodgepodge of songs that represent where i am right now
on day 1
of June
if yu jus get pay…rehhhhhhhhh
if yu did have short week…woiiiiiiii
if yu tiyad and pop down….sleeeppppp
and if yu haffi work weekend….buillllllllll
whichever way…enjoy your. self
riddim up!
in no particular order
dance like a white girl!
move up yu body
tek serious ting mek joke. but do yu work.
remember. never give up