Are political attacks on OCG premeditated?

Lanarda Morris – Yaadinfo Contributor

Daryl Vaz & Greg Christie
Vaz recently hit out at the Greg Christie
I think Contractor General, Greg Christie, is one of the best things to happen to Jamaica in recent times. He is one of the few public officials whose fearlessness, forthrightness and resilience in the face of adversities, I admire and respect.  Christie is doing a darn good job in his never ending quest to maintain transparency in the process of awarding government contracts, and investigating allegations of corruption and mismanagement. Yet, Mr. Christie has been increasingly attacked by politicians, who themselves could learn from him what it means to serve this country lawfully and faithfully.

Not every investigation will indicate wrongdoings. But that has not stopped politicians on both sides of the aisle from lashing out and seemingly ‘running scared’ from the man who represents the face of anti corruption. Christie has recently been called names such as an “overzealous idiot” and a “mental case” by Member of Parliament, Everald Warmington, simply because of the mere announcement of an investigation into a construction company that it is alleged the MP has beneficial interest. Warmington further went on to dismiss the investigation by calling it “rubbish”. Any fair minded person can determine who the true mental case is in this situation.

Junior Minister, Everald Warmington
Another comment that raised eyebrows, was made by the Minister of Information, Daryl Vaz. He suggested that Christie’s action may cause competent and skilled Jamaicans to think twice before joining the public sector; for fear that their reputation could be damaged beyond repair by his office. Is the Minister for real? Why would any competent person who wishes to serve the public ethically and honestly be afraid of Christie? Only those who are inclined to be crooked, and corrupt the system would shy away, and I am happy for that!

PNP General Secretary and Opposition Minister of Security Peter Bunting has also expressed that there are concerns among individual opposition members about Mr. Christie’s approach.

Anytime the JLP and PNP can find common cause is enough reason for me to be suspicious about their true agenda. Over the years these are the same individuals that exercise the usual partisan politics to the nation’s detriment, and they have never done anything seriously about each other’s acts of corruption.  You know the barrels that make the most noise, but once the issue is on the their own side of the aisle, somehow the questionable situation is somewhat different? Think about the Trafigura scandal and the now notorious Manatt, Phelps and Phillips saga. Sounds familiar?

Let them be reminded that they too are servants of the public and must be held accountable for their actions. And besides, the name calling to undermine the efforts of the OCG office and befoul Christie’s character has proven futile. What these politicians need to recognize is that the Contractor General has earned the respect and support of the Jamaican people, non-governmental interest groups, and the private sector (and I dare anyone to name me one politician who commands such respect!) Despite these attempts it’s even more admirable that the man has not resiled from his mandate to make public, corruption at all levels.

Jamaican needs as much accountability in its governance structure. Jamaica needs more Greg Christies!