As soon as I finish this blog, I am going to head for the garbage can to rescue an empty beer carton I should have put in the recycling bin. Yes, I was that irresponsible, but I’m trying to do better.
I hope you are more conscientious than I am — especially today. Today is Earth Day after all.
How are you celebrating Earth Day? Let me know. It might give the rest of us ideas. Just click on the “comments” button and take a minute to share your thoughts. I know, by the time you read this Earth Day will probably be over, but nobody says we can’t be environmentally responsible all year long, so your ideas might trigger a valuable movement.
When I was a child in Jamaica, we used to fast on Good Friday. All we were allowed to eat was bun and cheese (and “beverage”). We children looked forward to Good Friday as we much preferred bun and cheese to regular meals. That would be a good way to celebrate Earth Day. There would be no cooking and a lot less dish-washing.
One earth friendly thing my mother used to do was create a compost heap in a corner of the back yard. That meant less garbage to dispose of and it provided fertilizer for her vegetable garden. I don’t think she knew she was being earth friendly. She probably thought she was just being practical.
We had no electricity in the mountains of Jamaica, and we managed quite well. Perhaps, just for one day, we could turn the switches off today and give the power plants a rest.
And in those days in Jamaica, few people had cars. Yet they got around. How about car pooling? Or taking the bus? Or riding a bicycle instead of driving? How about good old-fashioned walking?
So, what earth friendly thing are you doing today? Click on the “comments” button and let me know.