Aria Started Her “Fulltime Love” Tour In New England

Aria’s “Fulltime Love” tour started with a 2 day rehearsal at ZUMIX, a non profit organization located in East Boston. Zumix, empowers youth to use music to make a strong positive change in their lives, community and the world. In 2011, ZUMIX was honored the National Arts and Humanities Youth Program awarded by none other than Michelle Obama.

The “FULLTIME LOVE” tour’s first performance in the USA was at Sammy’s Patio in Revere, famously known to be the first public beach in the USA before heading to the 3rd largest Caribbean Carnival in the USA located in Boston just celebrated their 39th Anniversary attracting more than 600,000 people to the streets of Boston before heading off to Cambridge Carnival who celebrated their 20th Anniversary this year on Memorial Day weekend.

Aria’s album “Fulltime Love” mainly has songs about relationships and the love and struggles you have with your partner. Fulltime Love speaks of lyrics like, 24 hours not a minute less of your Fulltime Love, talking about women wanting the most out of their partners/ lovers and the fulltime commitment it takes to have and keep a good woman. The songs offers clean lyrics with a popular dub edge leaving new fans singing the hook of her song by the second verse.

She really empowers her female audience with her track titled “Trust Me” with lyrics like “Trust Me Don’t Watch Me” and the meaning behind having trust in your partner enough to know they are together with you as one and are not looking to cheat on you! She also has a song for the woman called “Stereotype” where she talks about not stereotyping men as being all bad” Don’t stereorype your man as there are still good men out there! The men truly appreciate this track!

The first single along with video released from the “ Fulltime Love” album was “Goose Pimples” on June 21, 2012 and the track is gaining steam in the NorthEast picking up rotation with many of the popular internet stations and some mainstream radio along with DJ record Many admit that once they see her live performance and the passion that comes thru on stage she is undeniably one of the hottest female reggae singers in her time. There is no doubt in my mind “Aria” is on the rising side of stardom admits, DeFronzo. Captivating the audience, Aria brings you back to roots reggae with a popular rockers dub as she performed her rendition of Bob Marley’s “Redemption Song” paying tribute to the King of Reggae, the one she considers her all time musical inspiration.

DJ/ Radio Personality- Big Bobby G of 102.9 Choice FM admits to getting calls about Aria’s performance and passion they saw on stage at the Cambridge Carnival. Marcus James at BigCity 101.3FM said “ People had no idea of the level of performance they were going to see until she captivated and held the audience hostage”. “They were singing her lyrics by the second verse it was truly amazing” admits Marcus James.

Realm Music Group LLC based out of Hollywood,FL, admits to using social media ( and ( to discover Aria. In a company meeting, we had been discussing how some of today’s most incredible talent had been found on social media sites ie., youtube and facebook by the likes of which Usher had discovered Justin Bieber and Jackie Ivanko was also discovered using online media, admits “DeFronzo”. We decided let’s take to the social media sites and see what was out there. We really wanted to have a reggae artist on our label and had been seeking talent for nearly two years when we finally came across Aria from Jamaica. We followed Aria and persued for about 6 months before initiating a record deal. “The album wasn’t even finished but we knew we wanted her on our label” says DeFronzo. When you come across someone as passionate and talented as Aria you cant sit back and wait so we were on it….we didn’t want to be left saying we wished we found and signed that artist Aria from YouTube like we said about Justin Bieber and Jackie Ivanko. “We wanted her and we got her!” say executives at Realm Music Group.

Aria’s “Fulltime Love” Tour in the USA is gaining love one fan at a time. Next up is the Sandy Daly’s of The GRIND -Birthday Bash where Aria has been asked to perform as a special guest of the party TOUCHFM is helping to sponsor at the World Trump Bar in Manhattan on October 27th, 2012 along with many other performing artists!