‘Break Away Moments Beachside Bash & Arthur Wint School Benefit’ event scheduled for Oct 27th at the Traveller’s Beach Resort in Negril, Jamaica has been postponed to a later date, not yet determined.
The decision made by Sandy Isaacs, owner / CEO of Break Away Moments, was based on the development of the recent hurricane and the consequences of its impact in the aftermath, with possible ramifications on the event.Sandy Isaacs is quoted as saying “Hurricane Dean has affected the mood of people overseas as well as, in Jamaica. I would feel better to know that this event wasn’t being held so close to the aftermath of the hurricane. The damage from Hurricane Dean has left people more focused on home and business repairs, coupled with other associated effects, that I believe will have bearing on the overall success of the event. “
The proceeds of ‘Break Away Moments Beachside Bash & Arthur Wint School Benefit’ event has been increased from the previous designated amount of 1/2 the proceeds going to the school to 100% of the proceeds being contributed to benefitting the Arthur Wint School located in Lucea, Hanover.
Comments can be directed to Sandy Isaacs at (321) 439-5572
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.breakawaymoments.com