Bajan Artist: Caribbean Culture Needs Promotion

Provocative Barbadian artist Annalee Davis is on a mission to use her talents and abilities to help promote the region’s culture – its values and environment – at home and abroad.

An independent visual artist and Bimventures entrepreneur, Annalee Davis has created murals and decorative art for individuals and businesses to help Caribbean people define who they are and to determine their roles in society.

To advance her mission, she has created two socially engaging and creative brands that complement each other.

The Annalee Davis brand promotes self-awareness among Barbadian and wider Caribbean societies, whereas the Manipura brand presents to world audiences beautiful and intelligent creations that are culturally representative of the Caribbean.

As a locally raised visual artist, Davis recognises the need to promote a local consciousness that supports the region’s cultural ambassadors and their work in the international marketplace. “At a national and regional level, we are aiming to promote the creative genius of our artisans, while globally, our brands entice the international market to become acquainted with and acquire works which will contribute to a richer understanding of the Caribbean’s identity,” Davis explained.

By supporting a local and regional creative environment, we will bolster our identity and develop a culture that is truly representative of the West Indian experience and less reliant on foreign influences, she argues. “Instead of adopting foreign expressions, local and regional cultural producers ought to be supported and acknowledged. Our work will quench our own thirst for self-awareness, and in turn we will show the world what we have to offer.”

The artistic ambassador believes that supporting the cultural industries is a great way to contribute to socioeconomic development. “Barbados and the wider Caribbean need to continue thinking creatively and critically about a sustainable way forward for our societies. The development of the cultural industries is crucial to our growth.”