Like Icarus, who flew too close to the sun, Steve Bannon’s wings of wax have melted and he has crashed to earth, never (I hope) to be heard from again.
Now, some pundits will probably say Trump’s camp has purged itself of the toxins that Bannon (photo) injected into American politics.
Don’t be fooled. Bannon was only the face of evil, not its heart. And that heart beats on.
Trump was not Bannon’s puppet. Bannon was Trump’s wingman.
And there are many more Bannons where he came from. For Bannon is not America’s only white supremacist, not America’s only anti-Semite. He is not America’s only sexist, xenophobic bigot eager to undo the progress the nation has achieved over the centuries.
Sadly, there are multiple iterations of this monster waiting in the wings.
And they will find fertile ground in Trump’s camp. The American president is a racist at heart (like his father before him). He does not need to be convinced that America should be a white man’s fiefdom. In word and deed, he has shown himself to be both racist and sexist.
With or without a new Bannon, he will continue his war on non-white immigration, his support of racial profiling, his suppression of women’s rights and his other horrific policies.
Trump is the source of every kind of political poison – from environmental pollution and economic oppression to civil rights sabotage. To think him a bumbling child-man dominated by Rasputin-like manipulators is a mistake.
He is the generator of the negative energy afflicting America, not the mere transmitter of it. To save the country – and the world – he is the one who has to go.