Jamaica’s Minister of Tourism Edmund Bartlett has been named Man of the Year by Ken Chaplain, distinguished columnist with the Jamaica Observer, one of the island’s leading newspapers. In his weekly column published on December 29, Mr. Chaplain noted that the Tourism Minister was his choice because of his tenacity and leadership of Jamaica’s tourist industry in a challenging year for the global industry.
The columnist added that “Minister Bartlett was named Man of the Year because of the critical part tourism plays in the economy and the stamp it makes on the lives of so many people. He has also made a mark internationally with Jamaica’s election to the Executive Council of the United Nations World Tourism Organization, the leading organization in the field of tourism.”
Mr. Chaplain in his column indicated that the President of the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association (JHTA) Wayne Cummings also had high praises for Minister Bartlett, describing him as the hardest-working tourism minister Jamaica has ever seen, with a passion for success of the industry and the country. The JHTA Head said, “Bartlett’s contribution to the development of tourism has been remarkable, especially from the perspective of marketing at a time when the country is experiencing great difficulty in the period of the world economic crisis.”
The Tourism Minister who since taking office has branded himself Chief Salesman is humbled by this latest accolade and has high praises for his team of visionaries including Mr. John Lynch, Director of Tourism and Chairman of the Jamaica Tourist Board; Mr. Lionel Reid, Executive Director of JAMVAC, Mr. Earl Patrick, Executive Director of TPDCo; Mr. Ian Neita, Executive Director of the Tourism Enhancement Fund and Mr. Wayne Cummings, President of the JHTA.
Minister Bartlett said he is encouraged by Jamaica’s performance despite the slump in the world travel market, adding that his team will remain aggressive in the marketplace this winter season, to ensure the destination remains top of mind for travelers seeking a vacation.