The Black River Hospital in St. Elizabeth have benefitted from a donation of equipment and medical supplies valued at J $1 million. These well needed items include two vital sign monitors and medical sundries for the laboratory which will enhance the delivery of services at the facility.

The items were donated on Tuesday, October 18, 2022 by Jacqueline & Ernie Muirhead, owners of Treasure Beach Inn in St. Elizabeth.
CEO for the hospital, Diana Brown-Miller who was on hand to accept the donation explained that vital sign machines monitor the vital signs of a patient including the blood pressure, pulse and temperature, which allows doctors and nurses to monitor and deliver treatment in a more timely and focused manner.
“I am delighted and honoured to have these gifts towards patient care here at the Black River Hospital. As a facility we at times acknowledge that we do not have enough of what we need to take care of patients in the way we would like and so any contribution received will help us along. I would like to say thank you to the Muirheads as these patient monitors will go a far away in helping us with our patient care especially in the operating theatre. Thank you again and they will be of great use to us and we will continue to work as a partner in the future” Mrs. Brown-Miller said.
The donors described giving back as a humbling experience and are encouraging others to give back.
“My wife and I made a promise to the Black River Hospital a few months ago during her birthday celebration. She wanted to be able to donate some items to the hopital so we got together with the CEO who indicated that some of these medical equipment were necessary like patient monitors and other items. So, we went back home and got together with some friends who were instrumental in helping us to make this become a reality. It’s humbling and we encourage everyone within the community to jump in and do what they can because we all benefit from this hospital. It’s the closest hospital and as my wife said it’s important that we do this.