Black Woman

A Black Women Speak
to the people of color

I am the black woman
that speak in so many poetic
languages from the tips of my lips.
my tongue is like a revolutionary
spiritual tool with words, spilling
taken out of context/misinterpret
that got some listening,
thinking, hurting, shaking
feeling, offended.
I speak not because I
want you to notice me
for I am already visible
expose, thrown into a
battle field of politricks
as I become a prey.
I am the black woman
that speaks to our sons
and daughters.

What is it why we refuse,
to love one another?
what is it why we can’t
embrace each other
what is it why we can’t
Compliment one another
Is it because we fear– fear itself?
Is it because we are uncomfortable,
With ourselves?
Is it because we can’t accept
Love when love is there
Is it because we see the reflection
Of our own behavior
I am the black woman that speak
To our sons and our daughters
Can’t ignore, forget
The psychological affect
of mental slavery
And our defiant ways to take heed of
Describing, insulting our own race.
I am a reminder, a reflection, a part of
This confusing condition,

I am the black woman
I am the black woman that speaks
To our sons and daughters
It’s time, it’s time we love
Truly love one another
I am the black woman
I am the beautiful black woman
That speaks soft, hard
And at times so tenderly
I am that I am
A real Goddess black woman!

Empress M.