Blue Mountain Project – Special Appeal For Help

As a long-time supporter of the Blue Mountain Project, you are well aware of our achievements over the past six years. Without your generous assistance we would not have been able to open two health clinics that provide quality medical care to over 1000 people each year; medical care that the people of Hagley Gap would not be able to afford otherwise.  The Women’s Group would not have gotten off the ground and started selling its Eco-Weave bags in Ocho Rios. And the school children of Minto and Penlyne Castle Primary Schools would not have the supplies they need to attend school.

You have given generously of your time and money in the past, please do so again. It is a critical time for the Blue Mountain Project as we start our Clean Water Program. We want to reduce the pain and suffering cause by the parasites that live in almost every person in the Gap because of the contaminated water. We want to reduce the skin infections that plague the children of the Gap, because there is no uncontaminated water to clean their boo-boos. And we want to reduce the workload of the women and children who have to lug pounds of water up the steep roads to their homes.

We can only do this if we bring clean water to the houses of the Gap. And we can only do this with your help.

To be frank, the ongoing recession, the Haiti earthquake and the recent violence in Kingston have seriously reduced our income in the first half of 2010. We need $25,000 and turn to you to help us continue our quality programs. If each of you donate $50 we will be well on our way to meeting our fundraising goal.