The British Invasion… UK Style! June 22, 2008, Brooklyn

Straight out of London, England, the Black British Crew djs have successfully crossed the Atlantic ocean and have made inroads into the US dancehalls. Now based in NYC, the crew has brought its special blend of lover’s rock and foundation reggae. With an extensive song library, the BBC crew is certain to amaze you with their music lover classics.

FREE before 12 Midnight
with British ID, School ID, Library Card, Team Jersey,
anything British or RSVP.
$10 without. [email protected]
@ LOX Lounge, 15 Putnam Ave., Bklyn. (Cor. Grand & Fulton)
Tel: 718.930.1316 or 347.342.2111

June 1st
Ladies 1st Sundays
June 8th
Rivival Reggae “Live”
Meta and the Cornerstones

June 15th
Freddy McGregor/Chuck Fenda
Musical Tribute
June 22nd
International Reggae Night
The British Invasion
June 29th
Sirius Radio’s DJ Gringo
& The Stateside Revolution