Budget And Plan Being Worked On To Accommodate Haitians… Says Minister Vaz

A comprehensive budget is being worked on and a plan is being developed by the Jamaica Constabulary Force in conjunction with the Ministry of National Security to deal with any influx of Haitians to Jamaican shores.

Minister with responsibility for Information, Daryl Vaz was responding to journalists today (Jan 20) at the weekly Post Cabinet Press Briefing at Jamaica House about the possibility of Haitians fleeing their earthquake ravaged country.

Minister Vaz said there was an influx of Haitians in the island on a previous occasion and a template was in place to deal with the situation. The Minister added that the important thing is to receive them and get them to a holding place.

“Negotiations are taking place in relation to a facility in east Portland. I’m expecting to get a full report based on the discussions that are taking place and the plan that is being devised”, the Minister added.

He said that the police and military are on high alert but there have been no official reports of any Haitians landing in the island since last Tuesday’s earthquake. Minister Vaz said that all precautions will be taken to protect Jamaica’s boundaries and citizens.