Caribbean Media Forum, November 17, 2009, New York

WHAT: Caribbean Media Forum

WHEN: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 – 7:00PM

WHO: All Members, Managers and Owner of Caribbean Broadcast, Internet and Print Media

WHERE: Two 5th Bar
       218 East 125th Street, Harlem, NY 10035
       Between 2nd & 3rd Avenues 
By Train: 4, 5, 6 to 125th Street
Transit info:

WHY: In unity there is strength.  To develop an Association of Caribbean-American media for the tri-state area that will work towards the professional development of its members, the Association, and the Caribbean-American community.  The following goals are the driving force for us to pursue unity within the Caribbean-American media.  The goals of such an Association will be:
1. To provide support for Caribbean-Americans involved in the media
2. To approach historically insular advertisers to invest in Caribbean-American media
3. To develop career and employment opportunities for Caribbean-Americans in media
4. To advocate politically for Caribbean-American media
5. To promote fair treatment of Caribbean-American media