Post: Caribbean Community Encouraged To Be More Assertive

The need for the Jamaican and wider United Kingdom (UK) Caribbean community to become more assertive and nurture special relationships between Britain and the Caribbean, was a recurring theme during the first Caribbean Question Time event, held in London on February 24.

The Question Time Panel, which included representatives from the three major British political parties, was moderated by Bishop Dr. Joe Aldred and featured business woman, Ms. Joy Nichol and Jamaican born Reverend Rose Hudson Wilkins.

Both Reverend Hudson Wilkins and Ms. Nichols emphasised the need for the Caribbean community take a more serious interest in politics and to understand the power they have as members of the British electorate.

They also stressed that the community must become more organised and united to develop serious political influence and the economic power to ensure that their interests and needs are realistically tackled.

On the issue of the ‘special relationship’, between Britain and the Caribbean there was the strong view that the Caribbean was not high on the agenda and that there was need to rethink the issue of the ‘special relationship’ which many felt needed to be on a basis of mutual respect .

Labour Party Member of Parliament, Ms. Dawn Butler; Conservative Party parliamentary candidate, Ms. Shaun Bailey (both of Jamaican Heritage) and Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate, Mr. Chris Nicholson were the other members of the panel.

Picture of Lora Helmin

Lora Helmin

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