Change Your Thoughts. Change Your Life

“Awaken to the truth that you have the power to take what appears to be bad and turn it around for your good.”
Kymarie McEwan

The moment I realized that it was my own thinking process holding me back from living out my true potential I became liberated!
If what you are currently thinking, doesn’t make you feel good about yourself or the situation you find yourself in, change it. If the feelings produced by your negative and toxic mindset makes you feel defeated and helpless, work on changing those feeling. If what you are currently doing, not working for you, change your actions by taking responsibility for your life.
You have heard this saying before,” you don’t have control over what happens outside of you however, you have the power to control your attitude about what is happening.” I sat in the gutters of self-pitty and victimization for a very long time. I was confronted with situations I thought had no control over and my mind kept telling me I was stuck. I led myself to believe, that in order for me to elevate myself out of my condition, the situation had to change first. I was powerless,because I had allowed my divine power to work against me through negative thinking and feelings.
Imagine the great power we hold on the inside. If we use our power in a negative way, we self-distruct,  and conversely if we harness the power positively, we manifest greatness. It is never the other person or situation that defeat us. We defeat our very selves. When our experiences trigger negative feelings and thoughts, we have the right to say NO, I don’t want that for myself! I refuse to be angry! I refuse to harbor un-forgiveness! I refuse to hold on to the past! I refuse to be negative!  Talking to yourself can be one of the most liberating experiences.
Until today you might have allowed yourself to believe that you were powerless to change your thoughts and feelings. I am here to remind you however, that all things will work together for your good. Allow your bad days to teach you, but never allow those bad days to define you. God created each of us with infinite possibilities.  The day we choose to surrender our negativity, is the day we begin to live a truly abundant life.
Positive Affirmation: Today I surrender all my toxic thoughts and feels that I have been carrying around. Today I choose to awaken to the power within me. I surrender all thoughts of tomorrow and choose to live fully today. I believe the best is still yet to come so I shall wait patiently.