Christmas 2007 Message from Mr. Lincoln Downer Acting Consul General of Jamaica, New York

My fellow Jamaicans and friends of Jamaica,

This is the time of year when we pause to reflect on the accomplishments of our tasks throughout the year.

It is also a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ which represents peace, joy and hope for the future.

This has been a challenging year for Jamaica however, it is also one in which we count our blessings. The country was impacted by Hurricane Dean, as well as the incessant rains in November which resulted in the loss of lives and property. Our road networks and agricultural sector were severely affected.

I take this opportunity to place on record my profound gratitude to the many Jamaicans in the Diaspora who made contributions in cash and kind. These included Community Based Organizations, Alumni Associations as well as individuals.

We continue to applaud the efforts and strategic initiatives of the Diaspora in the North East United States, which is a vibrant resource of human capital. We are mindful of the tremendous possibilities for significant growth and development for our beloved country.

The New Year will afford opportunities to foster mutually beneficial relationships in key areas including trade, investment and education.

On behalf of the staff of the Consulate General of Jamaica, the Jamaica Information Service and the Jamaica Tourist Board, I wish you a blessed season.