Christmas in Jamaica has traditionally been a time for family gatherings, when family and friends remember the birth of Jesus. For Christians, it is a time of reflection on the special gift given to us from God – a Saviour for all mankind.
As we celebrate the season, I encourage all Jamaicans at home and abroad, to use the season to extend a hand of friendship and assistance to our brothers and sisters within and outside of our personal families.
Let love be the watchword for the season as we try to replace the negatives in our society with positive actions of caring and kindness. Let us pay special attention to the sick and needy, the lonely, the unemployed, the under employed, and to all whose lives are in any way impaired.
May we all live the true spirit of Christmas, a spirit of sharing our blessings with others as we work towards the unity that is needed so that Jamaica can continue to grow and prosper.
I hope that the warmth of the season will permeate our hearts and our homes.
I extend sincere wishes for a peaceful and happy Christmas Season to all Jamaicans at home and abroad. May you be truly blessed.
His Excellency the Most Honourable
Professor Kenneth O. Hall, ON, OJ
King’s House
Jamaica W. I.
December 25, 2006