A number of, private, concerned citizens have got together to support the residents of as many of the Island’s infirmaries as possible. The following is a copy of the original online posting on the subject.
Friends, we are embarking on a mission to get good clothing for the residents of some of the Island’s government run infirmaries, as a public service. If any of you have clothing, for adult males or females, that you are willing to give away for a very worthy cause, may I beg you to do so, as soon as you can, please.
If you are able to help, please have the clothing washed and folded, placed in a clean bag, and delivered to the office of Paul Banks, Auto Assessors Associates, Ltd., at 17 Herb McKenley Drive in Kingston (close to the National Stadium and Arena). They will be collected and shared with some of the most fragile members of our communities, Island wide.
We will be accepting your gifts for this cause between January 7th and March 31st, 2015, during the hours of 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM. and will begin distributing them as soon as we have enough to share with the residents of the infirmaries.
In the way of sustainability, we do need to ensure that the donations are clean and hygienic, so that there is not stress on the staff of residents of the infirmaries to launder or clean those items that are being shared.
Thank you, in advance for your love and caring, and we look forward to a great response from many, as we clear our closets of those clothes that we haven’t used for a while, or just wish to share with those in need. With each contribution, it would also be appreciated if you would donate a supply of adult diapers for the residents, as well.
One Love …