Jamaicans might address him as Sir Colin. Yes Colin Powell (photo below) is not only a United States General but also a British knight. He is one of the most honored sons of Jamaica, and one of America’s most respected leaders. A former secretary of state, national security adviser and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he is the first black American to serve in any of those positions.
The son of Jamaican immigrants Luther Theophilus Powell and Maud Arial McKoy, he was born in Harlem and reared in the South Bronx. He earned a degree from City University of New York, joined the Armed Forces and rose rapidly through the ranks. He became a military assistant to Secretary of Defense Caspar W. Weinberger in 1983, national security adviser under President Ronald Reagan in 1986 and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under the first President Bush during the 1991 Gulf War.
Powell once considered running for president (as an Independent – not a Republican). But his wife, Alma, said she would worry about his safety.
He is a sober, careful person who does not give his endorsement lightly. And he has unequivocally endorsed Barack Obama. This should put to rest any lingering doubts about Obama’s abilities or qualifications. And it should end once and for all the nonsense about Obama’s “associations.”
It is amazing to me that Obama still has to defend himself against baseless accusations and innuendos. What sane person could imagine that Caroline Kennedy would campaign for someone with “terrorist links”? And Ted Kennedy? What about Bill and Hillary Clinton? Would anyone accuse them of “palling around with terrorists”? And what about Obama’s endorsement by arch-conservative Christopher Buckley, William F. Buckley’s son? And the Chicago Tribune (the “newspaper of Lincoln”). It’s the first time in the paper’s long history that it has endorsed a Democrat for the presidency of the United States.
But for those doubting Thomases who still wonder about Obama, Powell’s endorsement should be enough to erase any lingering doubts.