The Caribbean Community Association (CCA) is co-sponsoring a “Train-the-Trainer” workshop as part of the National Leadership Conference scheduled for March 14-16, 2011. A team of qualified educators including reading specialists and researchers from Pasco County School District in Florida led by veteran Jamaican teacher Ms. Eleyes Larmond will travel to Jamaica to train approximately 450 participants. The participants will include Regional Literacy Coordinators, Education Officers, literacy coaches, principals, and teachers. The workshop training will include “Assessment for Learning” and “Professional Learning Communities at work”. This critical Education Outreach project is part of CCA’s mission and is at no cost to the teachers and Government of Jamaica.
For this program to be successful, Project Read team requires a budget of $12,000 to secure equipment and material and to pay workshop expenses such as airfare, training manuals and CD’s, and text-books. Materials must be shipped three weeks prior to the event; hence the deadline to receive donations is no later than January 30, 2011. The group is asking for your help in sponsors and donations to meet this budget. Checks, which are tax –deductible, may be made to CCA, a non-profit 501c3 organization and mailed to CCA, Inc., PO Box 2021, Lutz, FL, 33559.
Contact Eleyes (Evie) Larmond at 813-416-3946 for additional information.