Congresswoman Frederica Wilson to Attend and Bring Welcome Remarks at 40th Florida Caribbean Students Association (FCSA) Leadership Conference at Miami Dade College

Congresswoman Frederica Wilson is expected to give welcome remarks for the upcoming 40th Florida Caribbean Students Association Leadership Conference on Saturday, April 5th at Miami Dade College, North Campus.   In collaboration with Miami Dade College Tropical Beat CSA, the Florida Caribbean Students Association (FCSA), the Conference will be staged under the theme, “Empowering the Next Generation of Caribbean Leaders”.
The Conference will welcome over 700 college students of Caribbean descent from around the State of Florida and around the United States to participate in leadership and professional development workshops geared toward the enhancement and empowerment of the next generation of Caribbean student leaders.
Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson (; @RepWilson) is a second-term Congresswoman from Florida representing parts of Northern Miami-Dade and Southeast Broward counties. Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson is of Bahamian descent. A former state legislator and school principal, she is the founder of the 5000 Role Models for Excellence Project, a mentoring program for young males at risk of dropping out of school.  Along with Congressman Bill Posey, Congresswoman Corrine Brown, and Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart, Congresswoman Wilson serves as founding Co-Chair of the Florida Ports Caucus, a bipartisan taskforce that coordinates federal action in support of Florida’s harbors and waterways.
“Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson has served as a voice for the voiceless. She is truly an inspiration and I am certain that her presence and remarks will empower all of our attendees,” stated Fabrice Stuart, president, Florida Caribbean Students Association.
FCSA provides a statewide platform of leadership development, civic engagement, community service and cultural awareness among college and university students of Caribbean descent throughout the state of Florida.  The FCSA conference is the leading Caribbean student event in Florida at which a wide cross section of Caribbean countries is represented. The 2014 Conference will explore the cultural, leadership and civic engagement in the Caribbean community. In addition, the Conference will feature the best in Caribbean entertainment.
“With one of the largest Caribbean college student populations in the nation, Miami Dade College is proud to welcome a member of the U.S. House of Representatives to our campus stated, Christian Hughes, Conference Chair, Miami Dade College, North Campus.
To obtain registration and sponsorship information for the Conference, please contact the Conference team at [email protected]  for further information, or to register for the Conference, go to or  and follow in social media at Facebook @fcsaconference2014, Twitter: @fcsaconf2014, Instagram: @fcsaconference2014.
Sponsors and partners include Grace Kennedy, Real Vibez Group, KIND Snacks, VP Records, Victoria Mutual Building Society, Liberty Mutual, Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau, Caribbean Airlines, LEASA, Ocho Rios Foods, Hot Pie, Bleu Flame Catering, HOT 105FM, 103.5FM The Beat,,, Island 360, POWA Circle, DeportedTees, WhyiParty, Best of the Best Concert, Fergie & Springer, Natural Mystic SoundStation, King Waggy T and Waggy T Moment, Jungle Island, among others.  
Since 1991, the Florida Caribbean Students Association, Inc (FCSA) has served as a leading student network of over 28 different organizations and thousands of students of Caribbean descent at colleges and universities across Florida. FCSA is a non-profit organization committed to the development of successful student leaders, the promotion of academic excellence and the enhancement of cultural awareness and civic engagement among Caribbean college students.