Consul General Reaches Out To Jamaican Diaspora In Florida

Jamaica’s Consul General in Miami, Sandra Grant Griffiths, told Jamaican nationals at a recent Town Hall meeting that while they yearn for home, they should adopt positive lifestyles and principles that can build on their achievements.

“Strong Diasporic communities can empower and create a voice that resonates in cities and communities in the USA and in Jamaica,” Mrs. Grant Griffiths said.

She noted that a two-day Outreach Programme, which formed part of the Consulate’s outreach activities over last week-end (September 24-25) in Florida, spoke to the need for more public/private sector partnerships to encourage growth and development through information.

“This is one of enhanced engagement and articulation of the solutions possible for our nationals and our country, solutions that are closely bound up in the idea of enabling support, taking responsibility, learning from our errors and seizing opportunities,” she added.

Speaking of the integral role of the Diaspora in Jamaica’s economic development, Mrs. Grant Griffiths said that the Jamaican family is essential to Jamaica’s viability, and “a part of the force to be rallied” to strengthen the economy, the government and the country.

The Consul General expressed gratitude to members of the Caribbean Community Association, Incorporated (CCA), who coordinated the weekend activities while President of the CCA, Evie Larmond, gave the welcome remarks.

Guests were hosted at an informal reception, coordinated by members of the CCA, the Caribbean Trade, the Caribbean Development Center, the Caribbean Delite and the Jerk Pit – all businesses based in the Tampa area.

Earlier in the day, the Consul General paid a courtesy call on the Mayor of Tampa, Pam Iorio. They exchanged information on areas of common interest to the City of Tampa and the communities of the Jamaican Diaspora in Northwest Florida.

Discussions also centered on redevelopment programmes earmarked for both downtown Kingston and the City of Tampa, as well as tourism, trade and investment.

Facilitated by the Tampa/Hillsborough International Protocol Office, the Consul General visited the Tampa Port Authority, the Tampa Chamber of Commerce and the University of South Florida, Tampa campus.

The Caribbean Community Association, a 20-year old community organization, comprises about 70 members benefitting Caribbean persons, through collaborative efforts in business and professional organizations.