There’s something irresistible about feeling superior. And, yes, I know I am guilty of that myself. But that doesn’t mean I can’t issue a timely warning to other “progressives.” Mocking people we consider mentally challenged can be a lot of fun, but since half the public has an IQ under 100, the exposure we give dolts can turn them into celebrities.
What am I raving about?
Christine O’Donnell (photo above).
Her name and picture are everywhere this morning. Within a few minutes of turning on the computer I found out that one of her aides was gay, was cured and had a relapse; that her mother might be on her campaign payroll; that her sister is an “outed” lesbian; that she accused Bill Clinton of murdering Vince Foster; that she insists Creationism has more scientific validity than Evolution… even that she bought a mattress with campaign funds.
Of course, I already knew she’s a lifelong campaigner against masturbation and founded a group to encourage total abstinence – even from lust in your heart. Apparently, she indulged in sexual relations during her college days but opted for chastity after finding religion.
And I knew she couldn’t pay her mortgage, lied about going to Princeton, and made up a story about winning two Delaware counties when she ran against Joe Biden.
In other words, I know too much about her already – way too much. And you can bet I’ll be learning more.
Oddballs like O’Donnell make good “copy.”
Like another Tea Party candidate for the U.S. Senate, Sharron Angle, she seems to be stuck in a pre-Kinsey time warp. But that isn’t so uncommon in today’s political climate. Rand Paul, also a Tea Party choice for the Senate, says civil rights legislation is misguided because he doesn’t think the federal government should tell restaurant owners they have to serve black people.
And, without exception, the Tea Party’s choices want abortion criminalized, even in cases of rape and incest.
In my view, Tea Party candidates are abysmally and stubbornly ignorant. But this is America, and Americans have a Constitutional right to make fools of themselves in public.
Besides, and here’s the danger, the knuckleheads have a lot of company.
By giving them exposure, we also give them name recognition. And that’s enough to get the nod from some low-information voters in November.
So this is the last you’ll hear from me about Ms. O’Donnell. Or, for that matter, Mr. Paul and Ms. Angle.
I’ve already sworn off that buffoon on the radio whose initials are R and L. And that quitter from Alaska who winks and says, “You betcha.” And that television station that calls itself “fair and balanced.”
The trouble is, the way things are in American politics, I’m in danger of having nobody left to write about.