No Bad Blood Between Danger Zone And Irie Jamboree

It has come to the attention of Danger Zone Records that Irie Jamboree has not advertised Jah Cure as performing or making an appearance on Sunday September 2, 2007.

Due to reports received from New York on Sunday, August 5, Danger Zone saw it necessary to let the public know that Jah Cure had no plans to be in the US during the months of August and September. The intention of the release sent on Sunday August 5 was to make all aware that the rumours and reports of Jah Cure being in New York were incorrect. It was never meant as an attack on Irie Jamboree but rather to inform the public that the reports and rumours were in fact false. It was not the intention of Danger Zone Records to, in any way, tarnish or discredit the Irie Jamboree name and hereby extend an apology for appearing to do so.

“Danger Zone Records and Irie Jamboree have always had a good working relationship and we regret any negative feedback that Irie Jamboree has experienced due to the release intended to clarify and inform the public of Jah Cure’s scheduled appearances.” – Delmar Drummond, CEO of Danger Zone Records.

Danger Zone Records hopes to maintain a positive relationship with Irie Jamboree and to continue to deliver quality music performances to the public.

Alison Young
Entertainment Publicist
Mobile: (876) 365-3734
VOIP: (954) 642-0618