A bill moving through the U.S. House of Representatives limits carbon emissions, sets renewable energy standards, and invests in energy efficiency. To me, this seems to be a normal, natural measure, and I wonder why it’s been so long in coming. But it will be fiercely opposed. Opponents – mostly Republicans but some Democrats – will argue that it would destroy the American economy.
This is the latest bogus argument cooked up by fossil fuel lobbyists and repeated by the politicians in their pockets. I am sure you’ve heard that pollution doesn’t contribute to global warming, that it’s the result of a natural cycle, etc., etc. And you probably realize that’s just a spurious theory concocted by “scientists” who’ve sold their integrity to the coal, oil, gas and auto interests.
Credible scientists have convincingly unraveled these twisted arguments. Few reputable scholars still dispute the conclusion that man-made pollution is the major culprit in the devastating climate change afflicting the earth (see illustration at right). You will hear about pollution created by flatulent sheep and cows, and the need for white-painted roofs; and the easily distracted media will give these reports massive exposure. But serious observers know the main cause of global warming today: It’s the burning of fossil fuels.
As for the scary forecasts you’ll hear about the cost of controlling this menace, that’s propaganda, too. The Union of Concerned Scientists sent me a report today, calculating the real economic results from reining in global wamring pollution. Here are their findings:
$900: The net amount of money the average U.S. household would save in 2030 on their energy bills – including $580 on transportation costs and $320 on electricity, natural gas, and heating oil.
$255 billion: The amount of money businesses and consumers could save in 2030 on electricity, natural gas, home heating oil, and transportation costs.
$1.7 trillion: The amount of money the United States would save from 2010 to 2030.
The UCS is appealing for help in getting its analysis – showing that global warming pollution can be reduced while saving consumers and businesses money, putting Americans back to work, and jump-starting the American economy – into the hands of every member of Congress. If you’re interested in learning more about this group and possibly joining their crusade, click on this link: www.ucsusa.org/