Denyse Plummer Toasted In NY On August 31

Calypsonian Denyse Plummer received standing ovations and champagne toast at the sold out EVERYBODY’S Calypso & Soca Tent Revue in Brooklyn, NY on August 31, when it was announced that earlier in the evening Denyse Plummer was presented her nation’s 3rd highest national medal, The Trinity Cross (Gold), in celebration of Trinidad & Tobago 49th anniversary of independence at a formal reception held in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago. Her son accepted the award on her behalf from the President of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago.

As Denyse walked on stage at Brooklyn’s Calypso Revue with the Sunshine Soca Orchestra playing Plummer’s first tune, Tent producer and EVERYBODY’S publisher, Herman Hall, walked on stage and stopped the band much to the displeasure of fans. Within seconds the atmosphere changed as Hall announced the honor bestowed on Denyse Plummer. She broke into tears of joy and sorry as she reflected that her father died only three weeks ago, her mother, a year ago, and regretted that they did not live to see their daughter given the nation’s 3rd highest national award.


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