Empress Raises J$1Million For Basic School

The young Singer,  TV and Radio host  ‘Empress’ who’s real name is Emprezz Eartha Camielle Mullings took the country to task asking for donations  to raise J$800,000 during Child Month for the uplift and renovation of the Basic school.

“Teach them well and they will excel” is the theme of Empress’s child month campaign. The campaign was aimed at raising funds to build additional classrooms and renovate the St. Tekle Haimanot Basic School in Greenvale View, Bull Bay. However it has surpassed its initial financial target.

The school has been a stalwart in early childhood education for the past twenty years but is in urgent need of repairs and additional classrooms. The students are mainly from low- income families and Empress saw the need for this campaign as a means of helping the less fortunate by providing them with a stable learning environment.

A number of donations in cash and kind have been given by both corporate Jamaica as well as individuals. In an effort to publicly show appreciation for all the donations that were received, all donors will be honored at the St. Tekle Haimanot Basic School Graduation ceremony which will be held on Sunday, July 6, 2008 at LIBERTY HALL, 76 King Street, Kingston starting at 2:00 p.m.

This two-in-one ceremony will see the young graduates of the school reaching their milestone, a major presentation of the architectural plan of how the school will be built and certificates of appreciation being awarded to the various companies and persons who have donated towards the development of the school.

There will also be performances by child advocate ‘Choc’late Allen, the Holy Trinity Basic School among others. The Master of Ceremonies will be Mrs. Enid Courtney and Deacon Ze Dingel Greenland, while Guest Speaker for the day will be Mr. Steven Golding President of the UNIA.

Empress would like to thank everyone who has helped to make the target (J$800,000). This is just the beginning to a project that will make a difference in the lives of the children of St. Tekle Haimanot Basic School and the Greenvale Community in general.  The building will start approximately a week after graduation, to ensure that by next school term (September 2008) the children will have new classrooms, bathrooms and a kitchen facility conducive to their learning.

Be a part of the solution right now in Jamaica, the place to start is with our children.  Help us to build a strong foundation because strengthening our youth means building our nation.