As yet another Excelsorian is set to traverse the corridors of the White House, alumni in Florida and elsewhere in the Diaspora are still basking in the reflected glory of Angella Reid’s (‘76) recent appointment as the next Director of the President’s Executive Residence and “Chief Usher.”
In her new role at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Angella will oversee all aspects of operation and activities within the White House executive residence and on the executive residence grounds. She will also maintain a close liaison with the White House Historical Association, the Committee for the Preservation of the White House, the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts, and other related entities. She joins another Excelsorian, Dr. Goulda Downer, (’77) who serves as an adviser to the Obama administration on Aids related issues.
As word spread throughout the alumni community of Angella’s ground breaking ascension, a number of her peers weighed in on the noteworthiness of the new appointment.
Ambassador Courtenay Rattray, Jamaica’s envoy to China and a classmate of Angella’s, hailed the appointment as one full of trailblazing significance.
“Angella’s historic appointment to this important and prestigious position at the seat of world power” he said “is one which all Excelsorians can rightly feel proud about, as it is a reflection of the sustained tradition of excellence that characterizes our distinguished and cherished alma mater.”
Meanwhile, in a congratulatory letter to Angella, President Althea Brown Robison of the Excelsior Alumni Association of Florida lauded her for the “honor and prestige” her success has brought to her alma mater and noted that her
“trailblazing appointment is a source of pride to the Excelsior Alumni community in Florida and elsewhere in the wider alumni community.”
Similar sentiments were echoed by schoolmate Carlton Laing who exulted “that a class mate with whom we rubbed shoulder and kidded with in the halls at XLCR is now rubbing shoulders and greeting people in the halls of the White House”.
Angella Reid’s
pioneering appointment also holds special significance because in the large span of American history, going back more than 200 years, there have only been eight previous holders of the prominent post she is set to occupy. Angella will become the first woman and only the second Black person to hold the position.
Angella will take charge at the White House in November, in time for the very busy holiday season, when President and Mrs. Obama will host dozens of receptions and welcome thousands of guests to the most prestigious address in America.
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