Fi Wi Sinting Festival 2013 February 17, 2013, Somerset Falls, Hope Bay, Portland, Jamaica

Fi Wi Sinting is where Jamaicans from all walks of life meet , greet and mingle with visitors/tourists in a family setting while indulging in Fi Wi Sinting the Jamaican phrase meaning” It is ours”.

Dine on traditional food such as dukonoo brought from Ghana, sweet potato puddings, fried fish and bammy or vegetarian from raw to ital.

The spoken word is expressed through ourstories of that cunning spider Ananse also from West Africa as told by story teller extraordinaire Amina Blackwood Meeks along with resident poets Royal African Soldiers and their friends and in an open mike segment where participants are free to express themselves. Each year there is a main attraction and we close by paying homage to our dear beloved ancestors.
The 23rd staging of Fi Wi Sinting a celebration of Jamaica’s African heritage will be held on Sunday February 17, 2013 at Somerset Falls, Hope Bay, Portland from 10AM-7PM. Admission J$800, Children J$300 and Students with ID $500.