The Healing Of The Nation: Choose Love Again Tour Kingston, Jamaica Oct. 18-22, 2004

In late October, our family will be returning to Jamaica to host “The Healing of the Nation:Choose Love Again School Tour.” We will be working with PALS (Peace & Love in Society), a Jamaican non-profit organization devoted to encouraging peace and love in all parts of the Jamaican society, especially in the schools. We will host ten free concerts and reasonings at colleges and elementary and secondary schools throughout Kingston, mostly in the inner-city. All our concerts are unsponsored, non-commercial and free.

“If you want to save the world you got to save the children.” Luciano

As we have done in our previous 35 concerts, we will be inviting Jamaican “healers,” known for their message of One Love, to join us. This will include such reggae artists as Abijah, Luciano, Denroy Morgan, Bushman, Cherry & Little Natural, Mikey General, I’ngel Chanta, Junior Reid, Keteis, Mackie Conscious, Mystic Revelation of Rastafari, Prezident Brown, Ernie Smith, Warrior King, and others. Also many other conscious DJs and talk show hosts who have worked with us at past events will be invited, including Richie B, Elaine Wint, Antonnette Haughton, Sharon Chambers and Daniel Thompson.

“Teach the children love and what it’s worth.”–Morgan Heritage

Our goal is to remind the youths of their, and everyone’s, God-given destiny to bless and heal everyone they encounter through their love and forgiveness. We have focused on the young as they more clearly hold the vision that love can heal our individual lives as well as our societies and our world. As we get older, painful life experiences often causes this vision to dim.
We remind the students that before Bob Marley brought forward his message of One Love he was in a gang in Trenchtown and called “Tuff Gong” because of his rough and brutal ways. It was not until several Rastas like Mortimo Planno reasoned with him that he consciously chose a path of love. A bully became a teacher of love.

“Give yu a little power and the oppressed becomes the oppressor.”–Cherry Natural

All too often in this world, and especially in Jamaica, revenge, retaliation, bitterness and vindictiveness has been elevated as a path of strength, even honor–a path that often leads to physical and/or emotional violence. It is a path of divisiveness that is often encouraged by our media, our press, and our political and occasionally even our religious leaders. By doing so they lead people astray.

“A breath of fresh air. It’s inspiring, edifying. It’ll keep you strong.”–Warrior King

We will also try to meet with the political leadership. In ancient times, Native American tribes chose their leaders from those within the tribe who always placed the interests of the tribe above of their own. In essence, they chose the “givers,” the most altruistic and those whose “firmness was tempered with a tenderness for their people.” In our modern world, all too often only those who have been drawn to money and power are nominated and elected. We must try to encourage our leaders to become who they really are meant to be–givers and healers, serving all the people.

“So much to teach the children. Music is the way.”–Mackie Conscious

We encourage the youths to join us on the Creator’s path–a path of compassion, forgiveness, understanding and unity. It truly is the path of strength and honor. We will be asking each person attending to “choose love again.” It is the only path that offers us the peace and love we are all seeking.

“I see worshipping of vanity and no love for humanity.” Prezident Brown

The Hopi Indians have a 900-year old prophesy etched in a large boulder (Prophesy Rock) on their reservation in Arizona. Our Hopi friends have taken Julia and I to see this rock. It predicts a time will come that the Hopi call “Kyonasquatsi”–world in chaos. During this period people will chose between two paths. Prophesy Rock depicts people walking on either the twisted, short path of materialism or the straight, long, smooth path of the Creator. However, a line connects these two paths reminding us that we can all rechoose at any time and take the path “Home.”

The path of love is the only path Home–to our Creator who is Love.

In years of bringing this message forward, we have seen the healing and calming effect as people choose love again. We have seen it transform people no matter what their age, life conditions, educational background, past experiences, economic condition and religious beliefs. Choose love and become love. Choose anger and become angry. Choose peace and become One.

Give thanks,
Julia, Alicia & Robert Roskind