Heard any Good Inspiration this Season?

 Spring is a season of awakening, new beginnings, a time when hope springs eternal. Springtime is a season of commencements.  Yes, we gather to cheer and celebrate the achievements of our loved ones.


I truly appreciate a memorable gem from the commencement speaker. Given the enormous challenges we face, this task  takes on a  herculean dimension. The speaker will need to deliver what I would call ” keeping it real” inspiration which is an oxymoron of sorts.


Just imagine or maybe you have been called upon to deliver a commencement address in 2009. What would you say that would inspire an audience in these challenging times?   Here is a kernel of an idea – a flower needs both rain and sunshine to grow.



I know I would  be tempted to re-work Winston Churchill’s famous speech given during the great war.  For you young whipper snappers, here is a summary of Churchill’s famous address.


On October 29, 1941, Prime Minister Churchill visited Harrow School , stood before the students and said,

“Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, give up. Never give up. Never give up. Never give up.”


Short, sweet, and memorable!


Well, I hope you got the idea.


I have attended one graduation program so far. It was at Columbia Union College, where Pastor Hyveth Williams, a pioneering Jamaican preacher delivered the baccalaureate address .  Her gem of inspiration is.

“Get out of the boat!”


Her address was based on Peter walking on water to Jesus.  The additional dimension she shared exposed the 11 other members who refused to get out of the boat.  Those boat dwellers maybe the ones trying to stifle your dreams of doing great things even during extraordinary times.


I truly believe that shared inspiration provides multiplied blessings.

So, I invite you to multiply the inspirational impact of the inspiring thoughts you hear this season by placing a comment  here.  For you that consider yourself shy, send me an email at [email protected]


Congratulations to all our graduates!


Here is a few moments of inspiration for those of you entering the workplace.


Click to be inspired