Holiday Message from Jamaica’s Consul General – Miami, Sandra Grant Griffiths, JP

Fellow Jamaicans and Friends of Jamaica, as the year 2010 comes to a close we look forward in the expectation of opportunities for renewal and progress. We must take cognizance of our blessings as a people and country who continue with fortitude to build a great nation comprised of Jamaicans at home and abroad. We remain all mindful of our respective roles and responsibilities while we reflect on the past and place our hope in the future.

Throughout the past year, your Consulate General has made every effort in its essential task of protecting in the jurisdiction of Florida, the Southern USA, the Cayman Islands and the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, the interests of our nationals, both individuals and bodies corporate, within the limits permitted by international law. Equally we have been engaged in furthering the development of commercial, economic, cultural and scientific relations in the interest of Jamaica. We have not done this alone. We have called upon and received much assistance from the coalition of Jamaican Alumni and individual groups, the Diaspora Community leadership and organizations, the officials of city, county and State with whom we have interacted. Indeed, we have called upon, and have been the recipient of a continuous flow of goodwill. We remain grateful for your support.

We know that this goodwill is based upon one common factor – great love for Jamaica. Additionally, due regard has been paid to the efforts being made by the Government of Jamaica, the Jamaican people and friends of Jamaica united to ensure that we recover from every adversity strengthened to continue the forward momentum. That is not to say that the challenges have not been stringent, that we have not stumbled or made false steps. But, we have also demonstrated the will to use our challenges as opportunities for learning and have forged new partnerships in bilateral, multilateral and local areas that will enable us to pay much needed attention to social, economic and political reforms – indicators that will measure progress towards the achievement of “Vision 2030” and Jamaica as an advanced State and the mecca of choice for her people.

There is considerable work to be done but we are not short of talent, creativity and the zeal required build a progressive society. Our mantra therefore for 2011 and beyond is onwards to make our goals a reality for personal development, community development and national development to the benefit of “Jamaica, Land we love”.

May your Christmas & New Year be filled with love and joy.