Hope Zoo Anew-a great family outing!


Guardsman group redo Hope ZooI was thrilled to hear Guardman’s Group was taking over Hope Zoo and bringing it back to it’s former glory days!  I have always lamented that children and families need a Zoo.  I know we have the Jamaica Zoo in Lacovia, St. Elizabeth, which is quite nice with several exotic animals, but I always yearned for the familiar Hope Zoo I grew up with.

We visited last week and really were very impressed and happy with our experience.  From the beautifully landscaped grounds, the addition of new animals, the petting Zoo, bird feeding and so much more, the New Hope Zoo is a definite must do for the family.


We saw Crocodiles, Jamaican Iguanas, Flamingos and  monkeys new balance 747.  There is a lovely exhibit of Macaws and a Cockatoo, an Ostrich and Emu, Deer, all kinds of Snakes, Turtles, Wild Pig (Pecarrie) and all kinds of birds.  We enjoyed it as much as our children, Jordan 8 and Braelan 1.5.



Hope Zoo Iguana


Hope Zoo Aligator


Hope Zoo Ostrich

One of the neatest experiences was the bird feeding.  You pay $J50 to get bird seeds and you enter the cage to feed the birds.  My eight year old really enjoyed this.  You just open your hands with the food and the Budgies come to you and eat from your palms.

Hope Zoo Jamaica
Feeding the birds

The bigger animals are on the way.  By about April this year you should also see Lion(s), Tiger(s) and Zebra(s).

Here are a some of our pictures, but you really need to experience it for yourself air jordan retro 2.  The kids will have a great time.  If you want the Petting Zoo, you will have to request it beforehand, so they can get the animals ready.

When you visit share your experience with us in the comments section below.

Admission: Adults $500,  Children $300

Thank you and Congrats to Guardsman Group for saving our Zoo.  The children of Jamaica thank you!  This is job well done and I know you’re not finished yet!