How Do We Rescue our Boys?

In every race, ethnic group, societal strata, and country of our globe, boys and young men are becoming an endangered species.

They are increasingly missing on college and learning situations. Instead, they can be found in unsavory places and increasingly in prisons.

What can you and I do to stem this slide? There is a principle that has proven to have transformative power; prayer.
This has been said that more things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.
Thus College Educate Our Sons, Inc. (CEOS) has launched an initiative to change this picture through prayer.
CEOS (website) is working toward reversing the slide of men in college which has fallen from 70% in 1949 to 42% in 2006.

College Educate Our Sons (CEOS) is an interfaith organization that strives to educate, form and nurture transformational leaders.

Bertram Melbourne, PhD, Howard University School of Divinity

CEOS was founded by Dr. Bertram Melbourne of Howard University

This is your invitation to easily participate in this growing initiative:

WHEN: October 8-10, 2010
WHAT:The Second Annual International Weekend of Hope and Inspiration for Boys and Young Men to make graduation from college a life’s goal

WHY:To Highlight the Absence of young men in higher education and thus future leadership and do something about it

•To pray for boys and young men to regain the interest in academics and begin at the elementary school age to make graduation from college a life’s goal.
•To pray for the numbers to rise above the 60% mark once again.
•To pray for more male mentors to encourage boys and young men to greater aspiration.

WHERE: Anywhere you are. Just Pray on that Weekend for Boys and Young Men to make graduation from college a life’s goal.

Engage your Churches/Mosques/Synagogues .
Ask your spiritual leaders to bring boys and young men to the front during the Service and pray for them.
Invite men of your community to commit to become mentors and encourage them and pray for these mentors too.

WHO: You and everyone within your sphere

HOW: Share, tweet this post to at least twelve friends inviting them to join you in circulating this
initiative and in praying on the weekend of October 8-10.