If Plundering the World is Not a Crime, What is?

It seems clear to me that criminals have infiltrated and subverted the world’s economic and financial systems and that governments are either complicit in this “crime of the century” or powerless to do anything about it.

For a while now, I’ve wondered about a big Wall Street firm named Goldman Sachs. The players in America’s 2008 financial collapse, and the highly suspicious bailouts that followed, were mainly employees or ex-employees of Goldman Sachs. Bush’s treasury secretary Hank Paulson was the former CEO of Goldman Sachs, for example. And he was the chief architect of the bailout.

It was Goldman Sachs that sold those rotten mortgage derivatives short while peddling them to unsuspecting clients. It was Goldman Sachs that convinced the politicians to hand over billions to the banks with no reasonable justification for this unprecedented craziness. More recently, it was Goldman Sachs that connived with the Greek Government to inflate the value of their bonds, triggering the ongoing European financial crisis. And it was Goldman Sachs that made a huge profit in the process.

Click here for more on the Greek scam.

Here’s an excerpt from an article by Mike Adams, published yesterday in NaturalNews:

The economic plundering of our world is well under way, with the Goldman Sachs “white shoe boyz” taking over entire national economies as they confiscate the wealth of the working class. They aren’t the only evildoers wreaking havoc across the world, of course: A cabal of powerful and criminally-insane corporations are destroying the future of food, plotting to keep citizens suffering from disease, and even perpetuating war so they can earn obscene profits from selling more bullets, bombs and missiles.

That sums up my own suspicions. Neither Adams nor I can prove it, of course. We don’t have the resources. But the world’s governments do. The question of the day is: why aren’t the people who are responsible for fighting crime investigating the shady activities of firms like Goldman Sachs, instead of wasting their resources on such outrages as pepper-spraying Occupy Wall Street protesters?

Apparently despairing of ever getting redress from the “authorities,” Adams has an interesting plan to combat the crooks who have seized control of the world’s economy. He says:

You can help resist this economic imperialism by taking simple actions that protect your wealth and pull it out of the hands of the globalists who are actively destroying our world.

He suggests five steps ordinary folks can take to combat the evil-doers:

  1. Shop at local farmers’ markets, food co-ops and local grocers
  2. Pull your money out of the big banks and put it in local credit unions
  3. Stop working for The Man as a wage slave
  4. Trade soon-to-be-useless paper currency for real goods
  5. Stop voting for politicians funded by Wall Street bankers

Click here to read how you can do this and why it might work.

This kind of citizen activism is not easy. It would involve severe disruptions in our normal patterns of behavior. And I’m not sure it would work. Also, I take issue with Adams’ depiction of President Obama as a Wall Street ally and his promotion of presidential candidate Ron Paul. For one thing, former Democratic congressman Alan Grayson was just as instrumental as Paul in getting the Fed audited. For another, Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, an Obama supporter, is the most vociferous and effective critic of Wall Street in American politics today.

But despite our disagreements, I fear that Adams is right when he argues that personal activism would do a lot more good than waiting around for our elected representatives to rescue us from predators like Goldman Sachs. Unless…

Unless President Obama acts on the principles he embraced in his historic Osawatomie, Kansas speech on Tuesday

Unless American voters wake up and elect candidates who have the country’s interests at heart instead of the 1 percent’s…

Unless a cleansed and reinvigorated Democratic Party wins the day in 2012 and leads a global crusade against corruption.