Drops of rain could not damper the spirits of the crowd gathered for ‘An Evening With Miss Lou’ Concert & Exhibition at the Louise Bennett Garden Theatre yesterday (September 7). Patrons were well entertained with performances from notable Jamaicans including Fae Ellington, Amina Blackwood-Meeks, Deon Silvera, Karen Harriott-Wilson and Sheldon Shepherd. Special tributes were also made by Scotiabank Singers, Jamaica Customs Agency Choir, Emerson Barrett, Katrina Grant-D’Aguilar, Weston Haughton and Barbara Gloudon.
The evening was emceed by Deon Silvera who role-played a vibrant and engaging Miss Lou who reminisced on the past in a recreated atmosphere representing Miss Lou’s veranda. Silvera welcomed reflections, recitals, songs and poems from the ‘friends and neighbours’, surrounded by children from the Mona Preparatory School in true Ring Ding fashion.
The repertoire of recitals included famous Miss Lou works such as “One Hand Cant Clap”, “Body Beautiful”, “Roas Turkey”, “Uriah Preach”, “When Trouble tek Man Pickney shut fit him”, songs and other poems which were well received by the audience. The audience also enjoyed the Best Bandana Competition, Exhibitions and traditional food items.
The performers in echoing similar sentiments noted that Miss Lou was a lady who represented class and grace and her work should be replicated in such manner. It was also reiterated that Jamaican Patois is indeed a language and one to be proud of.
Sunday, September 7 was the 95th anniversary of the birth of the late Dr. the Hon. Louise Bennett-Coverly, OM, OJ, MBE. An instrumental person in giving the Jamaican Dialect literacy recognition, Miss Lou is recognized on national and international levels.