In the summer of 2012, D Major was requested to join the panel/mentors for Television Jamaica’s Digicel Stars. During his appearance on Digicel Stars, D Major received much media attention and impressed audiences not only as a singer but also critically acclaimed singer songwriter who can give much needed positive influences to Jamaican music scene. It also helped D Major to be exposed to wider fans and audiences in Jamaica. “Digicel Stars has increased my visibility 10-fold,” he says. “And it has been helping to push my popularity. People who did know my music but not my face could finally put the two together thanks to my appearance on Digicel Stars”. D Major continued.
It came as no surprise, after the premiere on Intense on TVJ, his latest hit “Girl of My Dreams”, which has been the perfect definition of D Major’s artistry, hit international charts and is currently holding No. 1 position on music chart on Idha-ya Taifa 92FM in Kenya, one of the oldest radio stations with the farthest reach in that country.
It goes to show that the popularity of D Major is spreading not only to Jamaica and Kenya but also to other Africa Countries like Ghana, Zimbabwe as well as Japan, UK and Europe.