Irwine G. Clare, Snr. Elected To Serve On US NE Diaspora Advisory Board

The Diaspora U.S. North East Advisory Board has announced the election of Mr. Irwine G. Clare, Sr. to serve in the capacity of Advisory Board Member. He will replace Patrick Beckford who will remain as N.E. Board Chairman until the regional conference to be held later this year.

Mr. Clare will assume office on Jan 24th 2012 at the first Advisory Board Meeting since Conference 2011.

Mr. Irwine Clare is the first N.E. Advisory Board Member elected in the USA, prior to that both of his predecessors were elected at conferences held in Jamaica.

As Advisory Board member, Mr. Clare will serve as the voice of the N.E. Diaspora Community and its newly created 501© (3) organization, US NE Jam Diaspora Organization.

“Irwine is well known in the entire U.S. N.E. community through his advocacy and charitable work most notably with Team Jamaica Bickle (TJB). He is a great replacement for me,” said Patrick Beckford. “We are great friends and work well together. As partners for the Diaspora we will be collaborating and uniting our efforts on behalf of the Diaspora and by extension Jamaica.”

Mr. Beckford pointed out that the by-laws have been completed and that the new 501© (3) status provides for autonomy from government control and direction.
As head of the Caribbean Immigrant Services (CIS) since 1995, Mr. Clare has had a ‘bird’s eye view’ of issues at the heart of to the Diaspora. He has served as in advocacy, policymaking, public service, and media. He was the Senior Partnership Specialist and Team Leader for Brooklyn and the Caribbean Community for the 2010 Census. His leadership service and experience include roles of president of the Jamaica Progressive League; vice president of the National Association of Jamaican & Supportive Organizations (NAJASO); and Board member of the Union of Jamaican Alumni Associations (UJAA). His civic service reflects membership in the Association of Caribbean Elected Officials & Community Leaders, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and several immigration policy groups.

As CEO and Founder of Team Jamaica Bickle, he has for the 17 plus years of the organization’s existence, helped to strengthen the connection between Jamaica’s citizens in the homeland and Diaspora.

“Team Jamaica Bickle allows us especially in the N.E. U.S. to operate from a position of care for our young people who travel to the Penn Relays as Ambassadors for our nation.

The network of care we want to institute between our beloved homeland and Diaspora resides in those kinds of efforts, strengthened only by the creation of opportunities which drive excellence and achievement for all Jamaicans. The Diaspora Advisory Board is a great engine to fulfill that mandate. And one which I am happy to be a part of,” says Clare.