Time for a Women’s Strike

Women have been aware of their secret weapon for centuries. But they haven’t been mad enough to use it. Until now.

The hidden truth is that women do the bulk of the world’s work. And provide the bulk of men’s entertainment.

They are expected to do all the things Peggy Lee sang about (but I bet she didn’t do) while keeping their girlish figure and a sublimely cheerful disposition.

They are bullied into being selfless and supportive. They are overworked and underpaid.  Scrutinized and criticized. Always falling short of the absurd expectations imposed on them.

And, on top of all that, they are harassed at work by men like Donald Trump. Obliged to laugh at ugly “jokes” and endure uglier physical advances.

As long ago as the Fifth Century, a playwright named Aristophanes figured out one place where women could hold men hostage – the marriage bed. In the play Lysistrata, the women of Greece decide to withhold all conjugal services unless their men quit fighting.

The women won of course.

I don’t know how far they plan to go this time, but  the women of America are finally talking strike. Apparently, they’ve had enough of Trump and all he stands for.

They marched a few weeks ago – at least half a million on Washington, 3 million strong across the country.

Now the organizers of the women’s march are planning a general strike.

And I say, what took you so long?

More on the planned strike

Click for Peggy Lee