Post: Jamaica can leverage the “Suds Summit” by ….

The much anticipated spud summit have  occurred without much perceived movement in further human understanding.


Well, the only foreign influence planned was a tall mug of Red Stripe beer. Although advertised as such, the professor decided to go with Samuel Adams, from the  local New England brewery instead.  This just added to a tough week as the

Roaming Gnome is off to Hawaii instead of Jamaica for his  travel adventure!.

Speaking like a true teetotaler (me no drink) , – bitters suds may actually reduce brain function. However, how can we turn these lemons into lemonade?


Red Stripe beer presence could have broken the Whitehouse rule set in the sixties by President Lyndon Johnson of not allowing foreign beer.


The marketing impulse in me could not resist thinking of the possibility.  When you get so much free press, you need to capitalize.

I actually detest (yes that strong) the  last Red Stripe  commercial I saw on ESPN that emphasized the bottle.  I thought it was all about the content,not the ugliness of the bottle.


Is this a means of upgrading the commercial now that the world is aware of Red Stripe?


Red Stripe that close to  the World Stage


What are the other possible leverage points that are now possible because of this summit?


Here are a few that gush from my fertile brain cells for what they are worth.


Combine the clicking of the mugs with a Jamaica , No problem ad, with Bob Marley singing, “Let’s get together, and feel alright”.


Send officer Crowley a six pack gift of Red Stripe and create a photo op as he receives this gift .


Offer both Prof. Gates and officer Crowley a week-end trip to Jamaica to have a follow up dialog.


Offer President Obama a get away trip where he can meet with key congressional leaders to hammer out a health care bill.


License our “Out of Many, One People” motto to Cambridge to help promote  a harmonious community.


Create a free Iphone App for Red Stripe to promote Jamaica.



What’s your idea on how we can leverage this meeting?

Picture of Lora Helmin

Lora Helmin

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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