Friends of Jamaica —
For years, has been keeping Jamaicans across the globe informed, connected and engaged; using our own capacity to promote prosperity and life-enhancing prospects for all Jamaicans, at home and abroad. Over the past year we’ve made a purposeful shift to focus on impact and effectiveness – advocating social commerce and enterprise among our people, particularly for those seeking to generate an income from social networking.
So looking ahead to 2012, we are asking your financial support with Jamlink Express – a new online business model dedicated to trade and enterprise among millions of Jamaicans across the globe. Combining affiliate marketing with mobile commerce, Jamlink Express collaborative marketing framework will showcase and promote Jamaica’s most discernable cultural assets. Request more info.
With an estimated six million persons of Jamaican heritage on the planet, there is a rich source of cultural capital that can be harnessed to create wealth for our people. Jamlink Express will be the first of its kind member-operated cultural clearinghouse, initially targeting the three million Jamaicans in the Diaspora – not only as exchange partners, but as cultural entrepreneurs and trade affiliates for emerging products.
You may have noticed our ongoing ((( Jamaica Matters ))) Compilation CD Project on the site – a narrative of our cultural vitality, both locally as well as on the international stage; and with contributions from several partners and artists. A signal of our continued alliance with Jamaicans across the globe; and the first of many products that will be distributed through the Jamlink Express collaborative marketing system – uniquely benefitting all participating stakeholders.
Thanks to our network of supporters for their continued generosity and advertising sponsorships. To make a tax-deductible contribution using PayPal, please Click Here
— Hansen, Managing Director