Jamaican Train Ride

The Train – Photo by Lee Abel

Yesterday, I took a ride on the rail system in Miami. Even though it was a 5 minute ride I had memories of a train ride I took in Jamaica. I had ridden other trains abroad since that one however the warm day and the scenery took me back to that particular ride. My brother and I took the train from Gregory park to camp site just outside Annotto Bay , in St. Mary. My parents had sent us to camp with some cadet troops (that is another story). It was a slow, but an amazing ride. The scenery was great. I know much of the train system was discontinued over 15 years ago. A friend of mind always says it would solve some of the traffic problems in Jamaica. I wonder it they will modernize and bring it back across the island. There was some talk 2 years ago involving China infusing funds to restart a island-wide train system. I am not sure what became of it but I hope they bring it back. I will certainly be talking a ride.