Jamaican Author Parallels Obama’s Vision For America

Charting a Path of Change, Hope and Unity in a Post-9/11 World

Miami, FL: The Iowa Caucus decisive win of two unlikely candidates, Democrat Barack Obama, and Republican Mike Huckabee was rock solid testimony to a new political reality. It was the political litmus test that proved that America is ready to embrace change, hope and unity—and the maverick purveyors of this message, Obama and Huckabee.

In the crowded landscape of gross politicization of 9/11, it was refreshing on Iowa Caucus night to hear a politician finally put 9/11 in its proper perspective vis-à-vis the presidential elections and the way forward for America and the world.

Democratic front runner, Obama, defined and distinguished himself in his Iowa victory speech as the candidate “who understands that 9-11 is not a way to scare up votes but a challenge that should unite America and the world against the common threats of the 21st Century.”

With the voice of the prophetic poet crying in the 21st Century wilderness of terrorist threats since 9/11, Dr. Elaine Duval, in her book, America After Siege: Roadmap to Victory After 9/11, has penned just such a message of hope, unity and transformation for America as the nation moves forward in its post 9/11 journey.

Duval’s book of poetic inspiration is a direct reflection of Obama’s call to regard 9/11 as an instrument for positive transformation for America, as well as Huckabee’s more general call for unity in the nation.

America After Siege: Roadmap to Victory After 9/11 presents the nation with a blueprint of how to proceed and how to make this vision of healing, hope, unity, strength, honor and positive transformation become a reality for post 9/11 America .

Duval states in her book that “a new vision for America / Was birth in this tragic passion,” and that America should therefore see 9/11 from the perspective of “the desired redemptive joy/ Of rejuvenation and restoration…/And for the purpose and passion / Of renewed compassion…/ New life, new hope and new vision.”

A new edition of America After Siege will be published in Spring 2008 to reflect a fresh perspective on developments since 9/11, including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan . In addition, a new publication, A Study Guide to America After Siege, will also be released in Spring 2008.