Jamaican Canadian Author Paulet Biedermann Publishes Her Masterpiec​e Self Help Book, Your Best You

In her new book, “Your Best You,” motivational speaker and author Paulet Biedermann contends that “success and ultimate happiness are elusive and happens when one relinquishes his or her authority to self manage and or self master. The price one pays is an unfulfilled life that is marred by mediocrity, an inability to realize one’s optimum potential and overall the equivalent of a mundane existence” she said.

Biedermann outlines some of the basic contributing factors to success in her book which assists readers to objectively evaluate and analyze where they are in their lives today versus where they would like to be. Some of the important influences that shaped our lives such as media, family of origin, self esteem (or lacking thereof), religion, personality, community, poverty, neglect and abuse are identified and explored in the book. Readers learn how they evolved into who they are today. Suggestions and guidance are readily available via tips, techniques and strategies that can be used to set realistic and attainable goals. The book also outlines healthy habits of successful people. Suggestions to identify and intercept maladaptive patterns such as coping with stress are made throughout the book.

According to Biedermann, “the book has done extremely well since its launch Oct. 31, 2011. The community has been very supportive. Book signings have been very successful including the ones we had over the weekend at the Book Express at the Cambridge Centre and Shoppers Drug Mart Hespeler which went exceptionally well” she said.

Biedermann’s agent Sandra Mills is very confident of a very productive 2012 for her client. “2012 will be a very busy year for Paulet, as I have put together a very hectic book tour schedule for her that will make stops in the US, the Caribbean and Europe” she said.

When asked why she thinks the books popularity is growing, Biederman said, “Your Best You is raw, reader friendly and is presented from a common sense perspective using real life case studies based on my experiences working as a psychotherapist.”

Biederman is already working on her second book which will be published in spring 2012. Her current book is available at Walmart,  selected Chapters, Shoppers, The Book Express and several independent book stores. Her mandate is to reach the masses as had been her intent from the book’s inception. She expects that the book will be a great resource for youngsters who may be struggling with mapping their future or faced with important life altering decisions. Biederman plans to donate some of her books to assist marginalized youths in poorer neighborhoods in Canada and Jamaica.

“I will only be successful as an author and motivational speaker if I am able help those most in need” she reiterated.